
Somewhere between Chick Lit and Women’s Fiction... while keeping it real.
Yeah, that’s our sweet spot!
What is Still-a-Frog? Think Hallmark Channel meets the more scandalous moments of Bridgerton. Or, kind of like if When Harry Met Sally and Squid Game had a baby...because that just might be the perfect way to describe how love can sometimes feel. Maybe, it's the equivalent of Cher teaching a Sex Ed. class at an all girl's high school wearing her iconic "If I Could Turn Back Time" outfit. You get the picture...
The podcast features 8-10 minute romance memoir shorts (turned into ten-minute plays and/or monologues and recorded in studio by professional voice actors) - all from women who have real-life tales to tell. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll come to realize "OMG that actually happened to someone else too!" In the Still-a-Frogverse, you are definitely not alone.
s.a.f. stories.
These are just a few snippets from scripts that we've received and recorded written by women eager to share their true stories.
This is women getting real - sometimes REALLY real!

from "Stakes of the Game"
WOMAN: So in this game no one can win unless four people are playing, is that what you’re saying?
MAN: Yes, it’s just playing for fun right now…the two of us.
WOMAN: But where’s the fun if no one can win? Isn’t that kind of implicit when you hear the words “play a game”— that someone has to emerge the victor?
MAN: No one has to emerge the—look, let’s just try it. Let’s not think of it as a game per se, more like, um, an exercise in relationship building.
WOMAN: Now we’re walking on a bit of a slippery slope, wouldn’t you say? You know how these things tend to go for us. Remember the couples retreat in that kids day camp place with all the bug infested tents? That went swimmingly, didn’t it?
MAN: Okay, okay, yes I admit, not the best idea…
WOMAN: Remember that one unbearably annoying couple who tried to be like the winners except there was no competition—treating it as though we were on Survivor or something. Always high fiving and chest bumping and screeching out “in your face” or “booya!”
MAN: Yeah, I remember.
WOMAN: And then, do you remember the one night we got into that terrible fight—I don’t even recall what it was about now…and you trying to be all “I’m right, but that’s fine, I will just go and sleep out by the fire because I’m a manly man.” But then within like an hour your lips were blue, and you’d lost all feeling in your fingers and toes.
MAN: Okay, I get the—
WOMAN: My point is dear, relationship building exercises tend to have a way of tearing us apart. Ah the irony…

from "I Was Told There'd Be No Math"
MAN: Let’s say there 100,000 people within your 30 mile radius. Fact is that over 80%, that is more than 80,000 of them, are married, so you are immediately down to only 20,000 singles. Of course, we have to exclude half of those people since they are women—unless, you’re now playing for both teams.
WOMAN: Don’t you wish.
MAN: Now, you’re left with 10,000 eligible men, right?
WOMAN: Right.
MAN: Wrong. Only 12% of US males are at least 6 feet tall - per your requirements, which brings your grand total down to 1200 suitable males in your immediate pool.
WOMAN: Seriously, only 12—
from "A Little Pot Never Hurts..."
MAN: That woman is my mother.
WOMAN: That woman brought her last will and testament to our wedding for you to witness, because as she put it, our marriage would be the literal death of her—which, could very well happen if she moves in here. She tried to rename our child for crying out loud!
MAN: She didn’t rename our child.
WOMAN: That’s only because my cousin’s wife down at the county clerk’s office thought to call me to ask if I had actually given my mother-in-law permission to change our 6 month old’s name to Britomart. Britomart!
MAN: It was her mother’s name.
WOMAN: I don’t care if it was the empress dowager’s name. She tried to rechristen our daughter!
from "Drink Up, Cinderella"
MAN: Does your mom even understand why you did what you did?
WOMAN: No. Never will either. I mean (despite a marriage that lasted a nanosecond) we’d been together for four years, so to her we were bound to be Scarlett and Danny forever – we were Scarnny or Darlett…
MAN: One sounds like a disease and the other like an overly folksy southern term of endearment. “Now Darlett, how ‘bout a nice cup of sweet tea.”
WOMAN: That’s funny. And I’m pretty sure you just alienated like all of the Carolinas down through Georgia. No, mother dear will never understand that I left for me. And ME, in the larger philosophical sense, has very little meaning for my mom. How dare I prioritize such a teeny tiny little pronoun. The audacity! But, I just couldn’t see years and years and well, a forever full of mediocrity, you know. What can I say, I’m a fairy tale kind of girl. I just misjudged this particular prince. My bad…
from "A Parting Well Made"
“Oh, please,” she said, “he’s different from my father in every imaginable way.”
“Except one,” her mom said, “spirit … he has the same spirit, the spirit that your father had until he died, and that one thing, that spirit, I think that may be the most important thing in life. You were married for two decades to a man who did NOT have it, and he was a good man, but those years nearly killed you. That’s why you had to get a divorce. But with him it’s different. Every time we ever meet somewhere, the two of you come in holding hands, and when you leave, each of you instinctively reaches for the other one. I don’t know if that means anything, but it seems important. So maybe just maybe like that country song … you were meant to walk through this world hand in hand."

write for
We want to read your stories and turn them into podcast episodes for Still-a-Frog!
Have a great idea for a Ten-Minute Play? How about a comedic/dramatic monologue? Or just a story you want to write that you think will be entertaining when voiced by professional actors?
(First, download the app and/or a
podcast episode and see what we're
all about!)
To Submit:
- Must run 8-12 minutes in length
- Based on a true experience.
- If submitting a short play, it can feature 2 -3
characters. (We prefer 2 person scripts.)
- Cannot contain extremely graphic/sexual content
- We do not accept stories that discriminate or demean based on race, gender, sexuality, religious background, cultural background, etc.
- No content containing violence, domestic abuse, or anything suggestive of physical harm toward another human being.
- At this time, we are offering authors of accepted pieces an honorarium of $50 USD. (We hope to be able to pay more in the future.)
- You can submit up to 3 pieces. We generally accept 5-15 per month.
- We reserve the right to edit all scripts to align with our voice and mission.

Submissions accepted in PDF only. Send to info@mobileromancepublishing.com

Any profound insights on true love in a digital world or disastrous relationships? We'd love to hear them!
Just feel like chatting because, well, let's face it, it's better than whatever you're supposed to be doing at work right now...
Can you think of a clever "X" meets "Y" analogy for Still-a-Frog? Do share!
We'd love to hear from you...(Really, we would!)
Oh, and while you're at it, download the Free Audio S.A.F. app!